
Relevant Information

  • Disputes committee that ICBS is affiliated with: Zorg voor ZZP

  • Membership number: 201901122

  • Complaints officer: The compliant service is connected to Quasir and the disputes body is connected to Stichting Zorggeschil.

Description of complaints procedure

Initially, the procedure starts with mediation, of course in order to arrive at a joint solution. For this, the complaints officer contacts the healthcare provider and looks for a suitable solution together. The complaints officer is completely independent and impartial and will always look for a solution that is beneficial to both parties and is completely based on the restoration of the care relationship. During this procedure, it is important for both parties to show full commitment to arrive at a suitable solution.

  • STEP 1. You are dissatisfied with the care provided or you have a complaint. You have expressed your dissatisfaction with your healthcare provider, but have not reached a suitable solution together.

  • STEP 2. Please contact Quasir's independent complaints officer.

  • STEP 3. Your complaint will be handled free of charge and carefully examined. You will be kept informed of the progress.

  • STEP 4. The complaints officer applies both sides of the argument. All information that you or the healthcare provider provide will be treated confidentially.

  • STEP 5. The complaints officer makes a report of the process and the agreements made. The solution will be laid down in writing and signed by both parties.

  • STEP 6. If, despite the intervention of a complaints officer, no solution is found, the complaints officer will refer you back to your healthcare provider.

  • STEP 7. The complaints officer also points out the option to submit your dispute to a dispute resolution body to which your healthcare provider is affiliated.

  • STEP 8. You submit a written complaint to your healthcare provider.

  • STEP 9. You will then receive a written message back within 6 weeks about the decision, measures and the time limit for realisation.

  • STEP 10. The 6-week period can be extended by 4 weeks at the request of your healthcare provider.