Who are we?

International Clinical Behavioural Services (ICBS) is a person-centred initiative that aims at offering high-quality services and evidence-based methods tailored to your needs.

  • Estefania Tessier is a passionate Specialist Clinical Psychologist, Board Certified Assistant Behaviour Analyst, and EMDR Therapist based in The Hague. With over a decade of experience in the field, she has worked with a diverse range of individuals across multiple countries, including the UK, The Netherlands, and Spain.

    Her expertise encompasses the full spectrum of clinical psychology, including assessment, diagnosis, and intervention for children, youth, and adults in a variety of settings, such as public and private hospitals, clinics, schools, daycare centers, and home therapy.

    Estefania's commitment to her clients shines through in her work, as she brings an international mindset and an exceptional ability to connect with people from all cultures and backgrounds, especially expats. Her enthusiasm for helping others, combined with her deep knowledge and experience, make her a true asset in the field of mental health.

“Being a psychologist is a huge responsibility and a great privilege in making a positive impact on people's every day lives”

You are the centre of our service

Our primary focus is to provide personalised and effective therapy plans that serve to your specific needs, goals, and circumstances.

Whether an expat or a local, we are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment that feels like home.

Our aim is to use our unique set of skills, background, knowledge and multi-cultural experience to help you overcome life’s challenges

Know more about our approach

  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a third-generation psychotherapy that aims to increase psychological flexibility in situations where avoidance behavior prevents individuals from leading full and meaningful lives.

    The goal of ACT is to help individuals stay in touch with the present moment, with openness and acceptance, while pursuing actions aligned with their personal values.

    Psychological flexibility refers to the ability to adapt and respond effectively to life's challenges while remaining true to oneself.

  • Clinical Behaviour Analysis (CABA), also known as third-generation behaviour therapy or clinical behaviourism, is a therapeutic approach that applies behaviour analysis to the treatment of mental health conditions.

    CABA helps individuals with conditions such as depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, impulsivity, addiction, and burnout by utilising the principles and methodology of behaviour analysis.

  • Cognitive therapy is an evidence-based intervention that helps people learn to identify and challenge their negative thought patterns. It is a time-limited approach that focuses on changing dysfunctional beliefs and behaviours through a variety of cognitive, behavioural, and emotional techniques.

    By using deductive reasoning, hypothesis testing, and other strategies, cognitive therapy helps clients develop new, healthier ways of thinking and responding to situations in their lives.

  • Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), commonly known as EMDR therapy, is a therapeutic approach aimed at addressing not only severe trauma but also everyday life and relationship difficulties and blocks.

    During EMDR therapy, the psychologist activates the patient's innate healing systems by stimulating the brain's processing system. This helps the patient reprocess and integrate traumatic memories, reduce distressing symptoms, and promote healing and growth.

  • Integrative Behavioural Couple Therapy (IBCT) is a modality within clinical behaviour analysis that emphasises the balance between change and acceptance for each couple. IBCT suggests that promoting acceptance is an essential step towards improving couples with problems.

    While traditional behaviour therapy focuses on behaviour sharing and developing effective skills as the way to problem-solving, IBCT incorporates additional elements such as acceptance, mindfulness, and compassion-based strategies to help couples address their difficulties.

    By taking a holistic approach to relationship issues, IBCT aims to help couples better understand themselves and their partners, improve communication, and develop new patterns of behaviour that promote closeness and intimacy.

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